~ Flat Stanley Adventures ~
Read about my travels to Tucson, Arizona!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005
How to Read Flat Stanley's Adventures

So, you happened upon my website. Well, before you continue to read any of the diary entries below, what you need to know is that my diary is backwards. It is like reading a book at the end first.

If you want to read about my adventures in the sequence they happened, I *highly* recommend reading from the bottom up. If you look at the Archives in the lower left column of this website, you will see the date ranges. Start with the first day I arrived, which is Friday, 3.18.2005. Click on the link to the range of 3/13/2005-3/19/2005 and scroll to the bottom. Then start reading from the bottom (first diary entry) up! Or, you can click this link and it will take you to that first week.

Please feel free to comment at the end of each diary entry. You can do that by clicking on the word 'comments' below each entry. A new window will appear. Go down and find 'Post a comment' again at the end of the thread post. Click on one more time. A box will appear on the right of the screen to type in your comment. Then, choose your identity or log in for a new one. You can even post as 'Anonymous'. It is fun. Give it a try.

Try clicking on the photos as you read about my adventures. Some of them will link to other sites. Some of them will enlarge giving you a better view of the picture. Especially the ones that I am in. :)

Thank you for reading about my adventures in Tucson, Arizona.


Flat Stanley
9:06 AM :: 2 comments::

Stanley :: permalink

Monday, April 04, 2005
Flat Stanley Goes Home to Ohio

Well, this is the end of my Tucson adventure. Tomorrow I will be going home via postal mail. I was supposed to go home last week, but my host forgot to mail me on time.

I am really looking forward to going home. I enjoyed my stay in Tucson and learning about the culture here, but I really miss Ana. It is time to say Adios! to the Sonoran desert and Hola! to my Ohio family.

I am bringing home some things from my travels to give to Ana. I hope she enjoys reading about my adventures in Tucson. Maybe she will mail me to another state in a few months so I can have adventures all around the country!
  • http://www.imagehosting.us/himages/ihnp-373321thumb.jpg

  • Tonight as I say my 'goodbyes' to Rocky, we sit and watch the full moon while the clouds drift by. It was an incredible adventure!
    10:20 PM :: 0 comments::

    Stanley :: permalink

    Sunday, April 03, 2005
    Sunny Sunday. Day 17

    Daylight savings begins today, but not in Tucson! Tucson does not observe it, therefore, Tucsonans do not change their clock settings during the year. Sometimes they are on Pacific time like California, other times they are on Mountain time. I haven't been anywhere before where they did not change their clocks twice a year!

    Tomorrow is my last day here. I am getting kind of tired, so it will be nice to go home to my own bed.

    I saw something on the news tonight that was very interesting. It was called 'Icebreak on the Santa Cruz' contest. Huh? Do they get ice here, I asked?

    Cheryl started laughing. She told me it is the first day of the year that the temperature reaches 100 degrees. The station, KVOA, has a contest that you can enter to predict when it will be. She said it is almost always in the month of May, and that in the past few years it has been in the early to mid part of May around noon.

    They used to give out trips to Alaska but this year they are giving out a KIA car. I couldn't enter it because I am not old enough. Oh, well. I did get to drive Cheryl's car!

  • http://www.imagehosting.us/himages/ihnp-341201thumb.jpg
  • 5:26 PM :: 0 comments::

    Stanley :: permalink