Saturday, March 26, 2005
Saturday Somethings: Day 9
Rocky was at it again today. There was a really nice dove that came to visit and was eating some food off Cheryl's balcony. Suddenly she looks up as she heard a scuffle and saw bird feathers flying all over. The bird got away (thank goodness) but Cheryl was mad at Rocky. She told him he has plenty of food and can play with the birds but not hurt them. Rocky went and scoured the balcony, eating the birds feathers wherever they landed. Did you know that cats like feathers? I didn't. This cat sure loves them.Cheryl locked him out for a good part of the day. He was mad and stood by the glass pane looking in; whining to be invited inside. We ignored him. Then he tried to get cute and rolled around the balcony to gain our empathy.
Later in the day we needed to do some shopping. We had discount coupons for the local Albertson's so we handed them out to customers. Some were surprised, some very grateful, others were sort of rude. Hmm. Why would you be rude about getting a free $5.00 savings? We weren't sure.
It was an uneventful day but very beautiful out. The days were in the 70s, and at night the stars are bright and the full moon welcoming against the glorious royal blue sky.
We tried to take pictures, but you can only see the moon and some clouds...not all the blue and contrast like in real life.